
Transformation of Traditional Magnesium Carbonate Manufacturer

   Compared with dealers, many magnesium carbonate manufacturers think that they have many advantages because of low price and resource. So they are sure they do better than dealers. However, Sunwen, the CEO of Meishen Technology dont think so. He said, There are a larger number of internet entrepreneurs. They just do the job of tradition enterprises dealer. And the job is depending on internet tools. It has no big breakthrough and improvement. Therefore, the CEO of Meishen Technology makes two observations:
   One, the abuse of offline through on-line thinking.
   There are a large number of internet enterprises try to defeat the rival. The main method is to compete on price. They want to attract the attention of terminal retail store by low price without bottom line. This method uses customers "bargain mentality". In the early probation periodqualifying period, it is effectual. However, it doesn't work in the long run. A platform purchases goods from agents. But is this feasible? For internet platform, it need a lower price compared with competitor. Because they have no source of goods, they just help others to sell goods. If a platform masters source of goods, they need purchase from over thousands of factories. Whats more, a platform can not afford so much loan amount. The cost is not lower than others, some of them need to make an allowance to users. In addition, the speed is not faster than others.  
   Two, how to connect with internet for traditional magnesium carbonate manufacturer?
   The Internet+ has a very important significance for tradition magnesium carbonate manufacturers. It is stressed that the traditional magnesium oxide manufacturer should transform and upgrade. In order to achieve it, they should promote the speed of logistics and optimize supply chain, and not simply take offline channels system to on-line. Just do these, the traditional magnesium carbonate manufacturers can achieve transformation and upgrading which contacts with Internet+.

